The Harryman's

Brian and I thought that since we have recently expanded our family with the birth of our little girl Audrina, that we should create somewhere that our family and friends could go to get updates of our life!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Audrina Lynn Harryman

On January 17, 2009 our life completely changed when i found out i was pregnant. We were nervous but overjoyed to find out the news! Throughout my pregnancy from start to finish i had horrible nausea. The first trimester it seemed i couldn't keep anything down. During the second trimester i had begun taking medication to control the nausea which seemed to help. On April 15, 2009 we had an ultrasound and found out we were going to have a baby girl! Things went pretty smooth until the ninth month. I had horrible joint pain and began having contractions 3 weeks before she was due. We went to the hospital 3 times with early stage labor and got sent home all 3 times! talk about discouraging!! Then the best news i could have gotten from my doctor came, they were going to induce labor on September 17.

We went to the hospital at 9:00pm that night and began the long awaited journey of labor. I didn't start to have real strong contractions until about 5:30am the next morning. They broke my water at 7:30am and i had an epidural by 8:15am! Thinking things would progress fast once my water broke was a mistake. I continued to have intense contractions all day until 4:00pm. I had Brian, my sister Natalie and Brian's sister Tiffany in the delivery room. They were so supportive and i could not have done it without them! I pushed for about 49 minutes and then at 4:49pm Audrina Lynn Harryman was born. She weighed 7lbs 13oz and was 20 inches long! It was the most amazing experience of my life. Overall i enjoyed the experience of being pregnant and would do it again in a heartbeat!

"Making the decision to have a child- it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."

Our Story

So i figure i should start this by giving a little background of how Brian and I (val) met and fell in love. I met Brian on a few different occasions during middle school and my freshman year of high school. My older sister was in the same grade as him and they hung out in the same group. i had always had a crush on him but never thought that one day we would fall in love. I officially met and hung out with him May 23, 2004, the day he graduated from high school (i was finishing up my freshman year). Throughout that summer we were pretty much inseparable but not "officially" dating. Brian traveled to England for two weeks in the beginning of August that year. It seemed like he was gone forever! When he got home he came to my house and officially asked me out with a dozen roses. That was August 11, 2004.

Brian and i have experienced a lot together! He went to all of my school dances with me. He came with my family on many vacations including; Corpus Christi/San Antonio, Kansas City, Arkansas, Branson and many others. By the time my senior year of high school came our relationship had become pretty serious. I graduated early and moved in to an apartment with him in January 2007. We then bought a townhouse in Ankeny in April 2007.

In May of 2007 we expanded our family when Brian got me a dog. She is a pug which is what i always wanted, we named her Bella. In November 2007 we went on a vacation with his family to Cancun, Mexico. Little did i know this was going to be a trip i would always remember! We happened to be there over thanksgiving. While we were getting ready to go to dinner on thanksgiving Brian purposed, and i obviously accepted! That Christmas i got Brian a dog (another pug) we name Leonidas. On November 8, 2008 we got married. We went on our honeymoon in Chicago and had a wonderful time! I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else.

"Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But is is inscribed on a heart and there is shall remain forever."